about me 

Hi, my name is Becky Roetker! I'm a Cincinnati-based designer who graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a BS in Industrial Design.

I enjoy video games, table-top games, hiking, and illustration. Outside of design, in my hobbies I like to work collaboratively. My favorite pastimes involve telling stories and problem solving with my friends through D&D, and you better believe I play the support!

I love to work collaboratively to bring people joy through creation and design. I thrive when on a diverse team. My strengths come through when leading a common vision and when I’m working in a group to solve problems. I use my empathetic understanding to weave together the multiple visions of a potential solution, and create the best possible design.

 I’m looking for an opportunity to work at a place that has a diverse group of people and allows me to impact others in a thoughtful way!


Contact me





You can view my resume here.